This is our Temporary Web-Page for Introduction
We Welcome You All to our Ventures into the Unknown
We never know when that urge will strike, to create something from nothing! was created to give You a glimpse into another world of Folk-Art. One that is seldom talked about, but which is, by far, the Best form of Folk Art on our Great Planet! Created by Mother Nature Herself, with Spirit and Soul. Speaking Her words through those of us that Truly Understand Her Spiritual language. And so, helping us bring to life, her most Unique Pieces for Mankind to Appreciate.
ALL are One-of-a-Kind! There will Never be two alike. ..... more words to follow........................................
ALL are One-of-a-Kind! There will Never be two alike. ..... more words to follow........................................
We will also be promoting local Folk Artists, that create with Mother Nature's Influences. We are Excited about this venture, and hope You'll Follow us.
In time, our normal website will be open. For this moment, we join FloridaPast, our sister site.
More to come.......
In time, our normal website will be open. For this moment, we join FloridaPast, our sister site.
More to come.......