Welcome to our Churches of Sumter County FloridaPast Page
Our on-going project to create Now & Then Fades
"Preserving FloridaPast, in FloridaPresent for FloridaFuture"
One steeple at a time
Churches of Webster
The First Baptist Church of Webster -1891
When I found out where this Great old Church once stood, I was amazed.
I asked Buddy, he said that sat right behind my store, just about where Jack Drawdy's house is now. And that's where we put it. As I viewed the other Baptist Church image, and the current Church, these may be one and the same buildings. 1938 is what was passed along as being the year they moved or moved into the current Baptist Church. Sometime I'll visit the Church, give it a good close up study to determine. I will post my findings. |
The First Baptist Church of Webster
after it was moved from it's original location, (above)
Dedicated to Mrs. Mildred Wala, a Wonderful Dear Woman.
Mrs. Mildred Wala; 1922-2010
Mildred was born April 24, 1922 in Fremont, Iowa. She was a former Substitute Teacher for Sumter County Schools, mostly Webster. As many know, Mrs. Wala loved reading poetry to local school children. And of course, Mrs. Wala was also a member of First Baptist Church of Webster. "Founded in 1891, known as a 'praying church" For those of you who may want to visit their website; The First Baptist Church of Webster To light a candle for Mrs. Wala, please visit Beyers funeral home and crematory |