For the Taste of FloridaPast Fun in FloridaPresent
We Present a Dedication to the History of Plant City FloridaPast Strawberry History
We couldn't have this page, without adding the Florida Strawberry Festival's website link.
Just Click Here to Visit their site.
“Strawberry” Schools were known in the years 1928 – 1954. Since many families could not afford to hire extra
people to harvest the strawberries, children would help. Instead of having a summer vacation, children went to
school during the summer and took the winter months off to help their parents with the harvest. The plants would
start bearing fruit towards the end of December and continue through the end of March. Some of the actual
“Strawberry Schools” that have located are: Cork Elementary, Plant City, FL; Trapnell Elementary, Plant City, FL;
Springhead Elementary, Plant City, FL; Medulla Elementary, Lakeland, FL; and Winston Elementary, Lakeland,
Florida. (three in Plant City, two in Lakeland).
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people to harvest the strawberries, children would help. Instead of having a summer vacation, children went to
school during the summer and took the winter months off to help their parents with the harvest. The plants would
start bearing fruit towards the end of December and continue through the end of March. Some of the actual
“Strawberry Schools” that have located are: Cork Elementary, Plant City, FL; Trapnell Elementary, Plant City, FL;
Springhead Elementary, Plant City, FL; Medulla Elementary, Lakeland, FL; and Winston Elementary, Lakeland,
Florida. (three in Plant City, two in Lakeland).
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